James Swash

Engineer, Amateur Cook & Occasional Musician

A picture of me in a baseball cap with a small black fluffy dog looking up at me

Howdy, I'm James! I'm the Chief Technical Officer over at Toca.io, passionate cook of food my friends and family pretend to like and I occasionally sing with Hesperos Choir in London.

I started this blog to document aspects of my life that I find interesting as both a form of record keeping but also to share things with the rest of the world. In general this will include software engineering, interesting recipes or foods I've come across and maybe the odd thing here and there about something I am singing or listening to. There might also be the odd ramble about Formula 1 or just random musings.

Also, this blog was started predominantly as a way of learning web development, so apologies for the odd rough edge here and there. Hopefully things will improve with time...